Szabó József dr.



További tudnivalók

Endokrinologia diabétesz es anyagcsere betegségek
jàróbeteg es kòrhàzi ellátás
Melbourne Internal Medicine Associates,
Melbourne, Florida
1995 szeptemberétõl 2011 szeptemberéig

Endokrinológia, diabétesz, anyagcsere betegségek
jàròbeteg es kórházi ellátás
Cape Fear Valley Hospital
2012 januàr – màjus Fayetteville, NC

2012- màjusatol 2015 novemberéig
Endokrinologia, diabetes es anyagcsere betegségek
ambulàns es kòrhàzi ellàtàsa
Aurora Healthcare Sheboygan, WI

2016 januar- 2017 oktober
Endokrinologia, diabetes es anyagcsere betegségek
Járóbeteg ellátás
Aurora Healthcare Lake Geneva/ Burlington, WI

2018 marcius- 2019 Julius
Endokrinológia, diabetes es anyagcsere betegségek
Medikus ès rezidens oktatàs,
kórházi és jàròbeteg környezetben
Geisinger Healthcare, in Danville, Pennsylvania


1. Szabo J, Heath B, Hill V, et al: Hereditary Hyperparathyroidism Jaw
Tumor Syndrome Maps to the Long Arm of Chromosome 1 Am J Hum Gen,
56:944-950, 1995.

2. Szabo J, Khosla S, Heath H III: familial Hyperparathyroid
Syndromes in Favus (ed): Primer on the Metabolic Bone Diseases and
Disorders of Mineral Metabolism, Raven Press, New York 2:166-66, 1993.

3. Szabo J, Schlosser I: N202 Analgesia in Mobile Coronary Care
Units. Magyar Mentesugy 14:2-10, 1984.

4. Szabo J, Szula I, Horvath A: Alternatives of Pain Relief Therapy in
the Treatment of Traumatic Shock. Annaesthesia es Intenziv Terapia
22:135-145, 1985


1. Szabo J, Heath B, Hill V, et al: Hereditary Hyperparathyroidism Jaw
Tumor Syndrome Maps to the Long Arm of Chromosome 1. Presented at
the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the American Society of Bone and Mineral
Research in Kansas City, Missouri, September 12, 1994.
2. Szabo J, Heath H III: Linkage Studies with Hereditary
Hyperparathyroid Syndromes. Presented at Endocrine Grand Rounds
University of Utah School of Medicine, April 12, 1994.

Klinikai gyógyszervizsgálatok:

2004 Sub-Investigator: Novo Nordisk #NN304-1430: A One-year, Multi-National,
Multicentre, Open-Labeled, Parallel-Group, 2:1 Randomized Treat-To-Target Trial
Comparing Efficacy and Safety of Insulin Detemir with Insulin Glargine Using A BasalBolus Regimen with Insulin Aspart as Mealtime Insulin in Subjects with Type 1 Diabetes.

Sub-Investigator: Novo Nordisk #NN304-1431: A One-Year, Multi-National, Multicentre,
Open-Labeled, Parallel, 2:1 Randomized Treat-To-Target Trial Comparing Efficacy and
Safety of Insulin Detemir with Insulin Glargine Using A Basal-Bolus Regimen with Insulin
Aspart as Mealtime Insulin in Subjects with Type 2 Diabetes.!!

Sub-Investigator: Efficacy and Safety of Inhaled Human Insulin (Exubera) Compared with
Subcutaneous Human Insulin in the Therapy of Adult Subjects with Type 1 or 2 Diabetes
Mellitus and Chronic Asthma: A One-Year, Multicenter, Randomized, Outpatient, OpenLabel, Parallel-Group Comparative Trial – Pfizer #A2171028.

Sub-Investigator: Efficacy and Safety of Inhaled Human Insulin (Exubera) Compared with
Subcutaneous Human Insulin in the Therapy of Adult Subjects with Type 1 or 2 Diabetes
Mellitus and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A One-Year, Multicenter,
Randomized, Outpatient, Open-Label, Parallel-Group Comparative Trial – Pfizer #A2171030

2005 Sub-Investigator: A Comparison of Prandial Insulin Lispro Mixtures Therapy to
Glargine Basal-Bolus Therapy with Insulin Lispro on the Overall Glycemic Control of
Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Previously Treated with Oral Agents Combined with Insulin
Glargine – Eli Lilly #F3Z-US-IOOQ.

Sub-Investigator: Safety and Efficacy of Exenatide in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Using
Thiazolidinediones or Thiazolidinediones and Metformin – Eli Lilly #H8O-MC-GWAP.

Sub-Investigator: Evaluation of the Effect of Transdermal Testosterone Supplementation on
Glycemic Control, Body Composition, and Lipid Concentrations in Hypogonadal Men with
Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus – Auxilium #AUX-TG-219.



1. Szabo J, Heath B, Hill V, et al: Hereditary Hyperparathyroidism Jaw Tumor Syndrome Maps to the Long Arm of Chromosome 1. Presented at the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research in Kansas City, Missouri, September 12, 1994.

2. Szabo J, Heath H III: Linkage Studies with Hereditary Hyperparathyroid Syndromes. Presented at Endocrine Grand Rounds University of Utah School of Medicine, April 12, 1994.

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